Our objective is to ensure business continuity for our clients. To enable delivery of this promise we would like to partner with you to mitigate risk and minimize avoidable incidents. Your business will be more profitable and we will increase the safety of our roads. Fewer incidents translates into:
- Increased vehicle efficiencies
- Improved service delivery and happy customers
- Cost savings with lower insurance premiums
and payment of excesses
- Protection in the event of an
unavoidable catastrophe
We invite you to partner with us in the following
3 step plan, designed to limit avoidable incidents, and to maximize your fleet profitability. It is as simple as ABC.
Assess your business. A detailed assessment
on your operation, paid for by Tradesure, will be completed which includes a review of vehicle tracking, fleet management, driver management, vehicle management and routing practices.
Bolster your risk management though implementing various changes that will be recommended and
may include monthly visits to present the driver and vehicle operational statistics to help improve your fleet performance.
Confirm which of the value add services you would like. Tradesure have negotiated special rates with
a number of carefully vetted and selected partners. These services include:
- Fleet Management
Through Lynx Telematics we can provide you with
a state-of-the-art solution that is efficient and cost effective. Gain immediate control of your fleet operations and fleet profitability.
- Vehicle Tracking and Recovery System
We have contracted CARTRACK for Vehicles and Trucks and Beam-e by Mix Telematics for trailers. Depending on the package of services you select, Tradesure may cover the cost of the tracking devices and installation.
- Roadside Assist
Comprehensive Roadside Assist is on offer which include assistance with medical emergencies, roadside repair of mechanical failures, mechanical breakdown towing, fuel delivery, tyre replacement, winching and a vehicle protection service.
- Driver Incentives
Through XTLS our Telemetry and Technology partner we will assist you to put in place a cost effective solution that will positively reinforce and reward good driver behaviour.
- Defensive Driver Training and Driver Recruitment
This service is provided by the Shayela. The Driver Training Academy will teach your drivers how to
act in emergencies. The recruitment service will ensure you employ skilled, experienced and trustworthy drivers.
- Fuel Management
The Kiaranix refuel card with Total will give you
a material discount on all your diesel purchases.
The card is controlled with a unique pin and can
be used to purchase fuel and pay for tolls. Customized control rules can be built into the
card to limit the amount spent and determine
the times it can be used.
- Tyre Management
We have negotiated substantial discounts on
tyres from Trentyre. In addition we have secured discounts on shocks, batteries and exhausts for sedans and bakkies from Tyremart.
Please contact your broker to arrange for your FREE assessment as well as to find out more information
on the Tradesure PLUS Solution.